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Working With Others (The Personal MBA Summary #2): -

 Everyone must know that how to deal with others and how to work with them. There is a book named The Personal MBA which I admire, and also recommend you to read it, if you want to know or learn about the business. This book is great for the beginner and those who want to learn about business all by themselves. So here is the summary on "Working with Others".

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 - So, here we are going to discuss this all in brief: -

 ᐧ Power: -

     People works under you because of two things: -

1) Influence 

2) Compulsion 

- Influence affects more than compulsion. Compulsion brings hate feelings of employee towards you.

     The best way to increase your power is to do things that increase your influence and reputation. The more people know your capabilities and respect the reputation you've built, the more power you will have.

 ᐧ Comparative Advantage: -

     Be the first real version of yourself, not a second real version of someone else.

Have some (or hire) with difficult skills, if people have same skills its quite high possibility that they'll stuck.

You can't do everything by yourself. You need a team. Men will different skills working with yourself is the greatest asset.

- No man is an island, focus on what you can do well and work with the others to accomplish the rest.

 ᐧ Commander's Intent: -

     Whenever you delegate any work to someone, give them reason also that why that work must be done.

Always direct command/requests one specific individual at time.

The more people available to the work the less responsibility each member of crowds feels to do anything about the situation.

   When delegating responsibilities, always assign tasks to single owner with clear deadline. Only then will people feel responsible for getting things done.

 ᐧ Planning Fallacy: -

     * Things doesn't go as it was planned; even professional CEO's does make planning which they can't follow. 

There is a quote from the book by the name "Rework" which says "planning is guessing". So, use plans, but don't depend on them. As long as you keep working with speed and diligence, the project will be done as soon as its feasible.

 ᐧ Referrals: -

     You would like to take the service from the guy you know or having some type of relationship with the person.

The more people who know, like, and trust you the better off you are. Referrals are the best way to expand your network of personal connections.

 Quote: -

 If you don't know how to act in Rome, doing what Romans do is a pretty safe bet.

 ᐧ Social Proof: -

     Social proof is the sign that most of the people are doing that thing or purchasing that item thus has reviews encourages them(people) to buy without any restriction.

- Men behaves like as his company.

 ᐧ Authority: -

Show respect to all men but grovel to none.

*Grovel - Bowing in front of something to take or asking for a thing.

Authority- Teacher, Parents, Government etc.

 ᐧ Developing A Strong Reputation: -

     Developing a strong reputation in certain area confess the benefits of authority. Not all the authority are insidious - if people respect your knowledge and experience, they're more likely to do what you suggest. As a result, developing clear expertise and strong reputation can be beneficial it increases your own influence.

   Work to establish yourself as can authority on what you're offering, and people will be more likely to accept your offer.

 ᐧ Commitment And Consistency: -

     A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

Don't make false commitment, obtain a small commitment and you'll make it far mor likely that others will comply with your request.

 ᐧ Incentive-Caused Bias: -


    Don't ask a barber if you need a haircut.

      Incentive can be useful if used appropriately but be careful. If incentive of people, you work with aren't aligned with your interest, you're bound to have problems.

 ᐧ Modal Bias: -


           We find comfort among those who agree with us, and growth among those who don't.

Modal bias is automotive assumption that our idea or approach is best.

Remind yourself to keep an open mind and you'll enhance your ability to make wise decision, Otherwise, you're likely to miss an important information.

1) Set boundaries for the time of your work Parkinson's Law.

2) Do know the other person's point of view and circumstances another person in which causes that certain emotion at the time.

3) Focus on options, not issues, and you'll be able to handle any situation life throws at you.

So, let's end this summary with Six Simple Principles of Effective Real-Management World: -

1) Small Elite teams are best, recruit the smaller group of people who can accomplish what must be done fast and with high quality.

 Don't make team that is too large to handle.

2) Communicate the end result of your goal what is responsible for your correct status. People must know why the end result is important.

3) Make people feel important, treat people with respect, applying appreciation, courtesy and respect.

4) Create an environment where everyone can as productive as possible, then let people do their work.

5) Refrain from having unrealistic expectations regarding certainty and prediction. Create a plan towards your goal which is aggressive and find shortest feasible path to completion that work.

6) Measure to see if you are doing is working, if not try another approach. Measure the performance.


So that's it for the summary if you got the interest to read it all by yourself then here is the link, it's totally worth of reading.

Amazon Affiliate Link: -

 You can buy one copy from here.

If you like this one, then do share it with your mates and stay tune for the upcoming blogs.


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