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Showing posts from December, 2022

Health Insurance

 As we discussed previously that there are two types of insurance         - Life Insurance         - Health Insurance We have already discussed about life insurance in details in first blog, you can search it by searching insurance and you will find it there, so here we are going to discuss about health insurance. image credit: - Health Insurance: - As life insurance is related to death thus health insurance is insurance that is quite useful that include the expenses of your hospitalization. for example: -   - suppose someone got serios injury through accident and he does not have any health insurance, now he/ his family has to pay all the hospital bills all by themselves.   Now if the person has that health insurance, then there will be no hassle like paying hospital's operations cost, room cost etc. that family has to pay, thus in this situation health insurance plays an important role. NOW this is about how health insurance works and why it is importa

Finance (The Personal MBA Summary #3)

 In this one we are going to discuss about some finance things which is quite important in businesses as well as in personal life too.          Thus, this blog must read if you have some interest in personal finance or in analyzing businesses.  So, let's dive straight into this ✌ image credit: - 1) Profit Margin: - Quote: -         I never lost money by turning a profit.                                               ~Bernard Baruch   Profit margin is the percentage and is defined as expressed as bellow. Revenue-Cost/ Revenue * 100 = Profit margin   · The higher the profit margin higher/stronger the business.                                       The higher the price then higher will the revenue and if higher the price,  then cost will be low, thus if cost is low then % profit margin will be higher, which is quite good for a business . 2) Value Capture: - Quote: -         You can get anything you want in this life if you help enough other people get what

Working With Others (The Personal MBA Summary #2): -

 Everyone must know that how to deal with others and how to work with them. There is a book named The Personal MBA which I admire, and also recommend you to read it, if you want to know or learn about the business. This book is great for the beginner and those who want to learn about business all by themselves. So here is the summary on "Working with Others". Image Credit: -  - So, here we are going to discuss this all in brief: -   ᐧ Power: -       People works under you because of two things: - 1) Influence  2) Compulsion  - Influence affects more than compulsion. Compulsion brings hate feelings of employee towards you.      The best way to increase your power is to do things that increase your influence and reputation. The more people know your capabilities and respect the reputation you've built, the more power you will have.   ᐧ Comparative Advantage: -      Be the first real version of yourself, not a second real version of someone else. Have som

Some Investment Principle You Must Remember (Poor Charlie's Almanack Summary)

 In this one we are going to discuss about some investing principle of one of the OG investor Charlie Munger. First, let's know a bit about him: - Charlie Munger is a billionaire and also a partner of another OG investor Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett also claims it that he also had learn a lot from Charlie Munger. Charlie Munger has a habit to read around 500 pages daily. He has discussed some of his investing principle in book by the name "Poor Charlie's Almanack". So now you are going to get summary of it. Investing Principle: - Image Credit: - Quote: -         All I want to know is where I am going to die, So I'll never go there.         ~Charlie Munger  Here are some of his investing principles: -     · If you already know that there is higher chance of making loss in stock market so why go for higher profit? So, one must invest his/her money by calculating the loss the phenomenon also known as risk management.         - Its means that if you are